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Voltage Regulators

Working WIth Electrical Electricity

Electrical equipment means any equipment whether it is in the home or in a company that is run by electricity. For the home, this includes both major appliances and small appliances. In a company, this includes power tools as well as any machine that is used in the company. This also includes air condition units whether it is industrial or in the home.

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I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.

Nelson Mandela

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

Martin Luther King

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. 

Mother Teresa

Protection Devices

We supply protection devices, which protect electrical power systems from faults. Our devices are designed to isolate faulted parts of the system from the rest of the electrical network to prevent the rest of the system from getting affected. 

Communication Products

We provide sophisticated, quality communication products to assist energy providers and utilities address energy issues. Our cutting edge solutions improve asset management, metre security, energy efficiency and more.

Fault Path Indicators  

Our Fault Path Indicators provide transient data to indicate areas of the network that are ill-performing so that utility can plan maintenance to reduce future interruptions.

Voltage Regulators  

Voltage Regulators  

We provide Toshiba Regulators which are used in distribution lines and replace three-phase regulators. These regulators are used to maintain and regulate the load voltage in long lines, strategic points or substations.